The Far North Quilt Trail was initiated on the traditional territories of the Dena Peoples of the lower Tanana River - we gratefully acknowledge this in thanks to the original inhabitants that stewarded this land since time immemorial.
"Juncos" and "Sunflower Star"
at the
Fairbanks Community Garden
July 2020

With the generous funding of Our 2 Cents Inc., the Fairbanks North Star Borough Parks and Recreation Department, and the the support of the Fairbanks Community Garden board and president Wendy Anderson, the Juncos and Sunflower Star barn quilts were installed at the garden in July of 2020.
Working in partnership with the FCG Board, we selected the two designs based on feedback from the gardener's during an initial informational meeting in the summer of 2019. When asked what the community most loved about the garden's one member mentioned the Junco's that would fly and nest in the beds around the garden.
The Fairbanks Community Garden hosts a large Hmong population and the board wanted them to be represented somehow within these barn quilts. I utilized the traditional triangular "mountain" shape on the borders of the quilts, and pictured above are several gardeners with traditional Hmong textiles next to the Sunflower Star quilt.